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Trauma is not an event. It is the experience you went through . It can be healed and you can recover the gifts and joy of your authentic self.


Post trauma otherwise known as PTSD can happen for many reasons. We may have had a Trumatic birth, or abuse or neglect in our childhood, which contributes to our experiencing trauma again in our life, like a cycle we can’t get out of. High stress levels can culminate overtime in a feeling of complete overwhelmed by life. This also is PTSD. Because we are overwhelmed we can withdraw from the normal activities in our life that used to give us pleasure. I have been working with PTSD for years and have healed my own. I teach you a series of strategies as well as several tools to help you reduce the frequency and intensity of your triggers. PTSD can definitely be healed over time. You do not necessarily need to resurrect the old traumas, in fact sometimes this is not useful. Please call me if you want to find out more.